LedgerMan CLI tools

LedgerMan implements commandline utilities that will help you do financial calculations.

After installing LedgerMan, you will be able to run the ledgerman command. Its general syntax is legdgerman [tool] (arguments), while some tools have an alias command that abbreviates the syntax to [tool] (arguments).

The following sections discuss the specific tools provided by LedgerMan:

helps you with command alias
LedgerMan Convert Quick currency conversions from the commandline. ledgerman convert -
LedgerMan GUI A graphical user-interface for LedgerMan ledgerman gui -
More tools coming soon!

LedgerMan Convert

LedgerMan Convert is a tool to convert between currencies. It fetches currencies from all available APIs and uses those for conversions.

use case syntax example
Get an exchange rate: ledgerman convert [src] [dest] ledgerman convert EUR BTC
Fetch and print all available exchange rates: ledgerman convert --rates -
Learn more or get help: ledgerman convert -h -

LedgerMan GUI

The LedgerMan Graphical User Interface is a program that you can start by running ledgerman gui.